Sarah's page

Thursday, January 26, 2006

In the shadows...

In the shadows, there is no light, no warmth, no glow...
But, it’s where I choose to dance.
The’s brilliant with colors and joy and fear and heartache.
In the light, there are no guarantees. There are no apologizes. There are no second chances.
In the light, you are naked to the world and it’s prodding and judgmental eye.
In the light, they see everything; your flaws, your scars, your crooked teeth, your one too many freckles.
In the light, they see your attempts, your triumphs...and all your many failures.
But...but, in the shadows, there are none. No watching or judging. No mistakes that anyone can see and enjoy.
There is no laughter at you...or with you.
There is no pain, but there is no pleasure.
No fear, but no rush. No one putting you under their rules and their microscope. But, there is no one to cry tears of utter joy when they see you glide on your own.
In the shadows, silence is there instead of applause. Numbness replaces thrill. Safety replaces bliss.
In the shadows is where I dance, where no one can see to judge, to laugh...or to feel my joy.
In the shadows is where I’ll be, dancing for myself and myself alone. That is, until the dancing stops.
:: posted by Plaksey, 3:59 AM


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