Sarah's page

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

It's about bloody time!!

This whole visa process has been such a mess! First, they make us believe that not only is everything going smoothly, but that it's getting there ahead of schedule. So, here we're thinking,"Wow! We're really being blessed here!" And then they drop a bombshell, telling us we don't have all the forms we need. AND, to add a cherry on top of it, the form is needed from Russia...the country that really isn't best friends with Ukraine and people from there right now! We're told that it'll take one month to finish and to call then. Well, I made Illya call 5 days before that month mark (if the paper would be done 5 days sooner than planned, I wanted to know and have his butt on the next train to pick it up!!). When we first called, we were told that the computers were down for a few days, so they were behind on their cases (likely story!). We still called day after day, receiving the same answer,"It's not done. Call back in a few days" *CLICK*. When we thought the waiting game couldn't get any worse, Illya got a text message reading,"Due to the terrible weather Moscow is having, we'll be closing our offices down." Lovely!! Of course! Why did I think, of all people, that I would have this thing go smoothly? Everything else has had huge bumps for me in my life, why would the most important experience so far actually go without a hitch?! Illya says that I'm being negative. But, for me, I'm just being realistic. I have to guard myself against ANYTHING that could happen. I have to make sure I'm not being knocked on my feet. But, I'm still trying to keep the faith at the same time. But, let me tell ya', my faith has been shaken! It's so easy to ask,"Why us?" It's not hard to look at all the happy couples around me who seem to have it so easy and be a little bitter. People keep on telling me,"This will end soon...It'll be worth it in the end...There's a bigger reason for all of this" But, at times, I couldn't get over the huge wall of waiting to see all this. I STILL don't see the big picture here of why all of this is happening. But, all I know is that tomorrow, Illya is finally on his way to go pick up this background check. PRAISE BE!! Hopefully, if all goes well, he'll have it, turn it in, and be on his way with his visa in hand in a week or two...But, I'm still preparing myself for any different situation that could pop up until then! Because, if this situation has taught me anything, it's that nothing is final!
:: posted by Plaksey, 12:26 PM


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