Sarah's page

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

...All sunshine and roses...

Well, I really don't think I can put any more on my plate right now.

Illya got back from Kiev yesterday. He dropped off the papers to the embassy and now we're waiting. I called today to see if everything was received. The guy looked up our case, said they got the form and will now take about a week to process. ONE WEEK?! After my silence, he states,"We have a lot of cases to go through." Oh really? You poor babies! Maybe if you guys told us originally that we needed this form, we could've turned it in 1 1/2 months ago instead of adding to your work load now. Or, maybe you could get off of your lazy butts, cut down your 2 HOUR LUNCH BREAKS, and then maybe you could get through more! He told me to call back next week. I told him no, that I'd be calling back in a few days and that I need to by my fiances' airline ticket soon. He adds,"Fine, call back Friday then." No, sorry, Boris, I'm calling back tomorrow! AND, I'll be calling back every day after that until you tell me that Illya has his visa in hand!

On top fo that, it now looks like I'll be spending yet another Valentines Day by myself w/ him on the other side of the world. I just want Feb. 14th to go by like any other day. I'm not even going to acknowledge it. Infact, I'm going to get that day back on my schedule and work right through it. What's the point of taking it off just to stay at home? What? To remind myself that I'm still alone and that my life can't go smoothly, not even for one day??

On top of all of this, I have the added bonus of doing our wedding by myself. My invites should've been sent out this last weekend, and at this rate, it won't be done this upcoming weekend either.

Oh, and did I mention that I'm broke?! That I have no clue how I'm going to pay for these invites once they're ready to be picked up??

Yep, life just keeps on getting better and better!!
:: posted by Plaksey, 5:46 AM | link | 0 comments |

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