Sarah's page

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I Suck!!!

yes, I know, Illya is so much better at updates then me (trust me, I hear it from him all the time!). But, life has been SO busy!!

First off, Illya finally made it here. I can't believe w/ all my luck that the day Illya would've came in would be the same day that the east coast decides to have the worst snow storm in over 75 years! I told Illya that it's a good think I know the Lord wants us to be together or else I'd see all these delays as a sign for him to stay in Ukraine!!

But, he made it and it was amazing to see him coming! My mom, dad, sister and 2 neices made it to the airport w/ me, all w/ signs, flags and even my dad in his fur hat we got him from Ukriane! As soon as I saw the top of his head come through the security airport, I ran to him and almost knocked him over. He could tell I was emotional and he told me to not to cry, so I did my best to obey! =) I couldn't stop touching him though. I had to have one hand on him at all times, just to make sure he was actually there that it wasn't a dream.

As soon as he got here, we began the move to our new home. What a sucky, stressed out time that was! And Illya was such a good sport about it too. He helped nonstop, even when his back was killing him. My family couldn't help but love him after that (my dad starting calling him,"slave boy"...that didn't fly too well w/ Illya =).

With all of this, Illya and I had a scare w/ his records from the church in Russia being sent over to my ward here in Portland. We needed it here to get his temple recommend renewed for the wedding. But, even my bishop didn't know that it could take anywhere from 3- 8 weeks (we had less than 2!). Through a miracle from God, though, we were able to get his records here (somewhat illegally) and I'll be getting my endowments out w/ Illya by my side the day before the wedding (talk about cutting it close!).

Add to all of this tying the loose ends up for the wedding and reception and you got one hell of a headhache!!

But, my boy is worth this. It hard at times for both of us to adjust w/ Illya living here now (more for Illya, as I'm sure you can imagine). But, we just hold eachother as much as we can, knowing this will pass and we'll be in normal life soon.

I am amazed at his sacrifice to be here just for me. I don't think I could be that strong. I don't feel worthy of it either. But, I'm so happy he's here. It sounds corny, but I finally have found I can take a deep breath. It's as if my whole life has been waiting for him so it could truly begin. I can say, at this point, my life is complete

:: posted by Plaksey, 11:20 AM


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