Sarah's page

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


yes, i know, i turned a mrs. a week and a half ago, but i haven't had time to come on and shout it out to the world yet...well, the blog world that is.

the wedding went awesome! it was so amazing to be in the temple, getting ready for illya and i to be married. it was strange, too. in my head, i kept on saying,"is this really happening? am i really in the temple right now, about to get married?!" even after we were told we were man and wife i didn't realize it. it wasn't until after we were married, when we were sitting in the celestial room by ourselves did it hit me that this man i was staring at was my husband. it was so nice to be able to hug and kiss and take a moment alone before the madness hit.

i couldn't have ever gotten married anywhere else. i told myself when i was 8 years old that getting married in the temple was the only way i was going to get married.

we had quite a scare a couple weeks before the wedding, though. illya didnt have a renewed temple recommend, but my bishop couldn't give him one until he got his records over from here from russia. we thought that would only take about 5 days. we found out just 5 days before the wedding that because of red tape that the governments have set up for us getting church records from one country to the next, it could take anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks!

the only option we could think of was calling the moscow office to see if they could push it along from their end some how. if not, then we'd have to do a civil ceremony outside of the temple.

for me, i knew that wouldn't happen. don't get me wrong, i was stressed out! but, when i thought of marrying illya, i could never see it anywhere but the temple. i knew something would work out.

well, we got ahold of someone over there and once he heard our situation, he was more than happy to help us. well, we didn't know until we talked to our bishop the next day that when the man said "help out" it meant "illegally send it to you"!! i guess our bishop got chewed out from the offices in salt lake because they thought it was our doing! once bishop told them that we had no clue what was going on, but it was the man over there in russia, they relaxed a bit. i guess both the lawyers of the churh from the u.s. and the europe side where mad and putting the blame on eachother. the people over here were just happy to know that it was, actually, THEIR fault over there, not ours over here!

illegal or not, i didn't care! THIS was a blessing. we were suppose to get married there and The Lord saw to it to make sure it happened!

so, thank you, kind brother in moscow, for putting your butt on the line for us and for helping us to have the wedding we wanted. you're our angel!!


sarah plaksey =)
:: posted by Plaksey, 1:48 PM


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