Sarah's page

Saturday, April 01, 2006


I think it's hilarious how obsessed my husband is w/ this blog. He'll wake me up for work and tell me right off,"You need to see what I did on the blog!" He'll show me a new time clock here, or better background there. When I ask him how long he was working on it, he'll say,"Just a couple of hours." A COUPLE OF HOURS?! HOLY CRAP!!

The funniest to me is that of all of this time he spends perfecting it, I'll ask him,"Did you write anything on the blog?" to which is reply is,"No," w/ a sheepish smile.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's awesome that he's doing it. It's amazing how much he's taught himself just by playing around w/ this thing. Plus, to me, it's a modernized journal. As long as we keep up w/ it, it's a great family scrapbook. But, for me, the blog is more like a distant friend you email back and forth to. You like to keep in touch to know what's going on, but there's only so much you can talk about before you need to sign off. Illya can write everyday. But, me, I'm happy w/ writing to our "friend" every few weeks or so. So, enjoy my husbands obsession and I'll write in a few weeks asking how the weather is there. =)

:: posted by Plaksey, 12:58 AM


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