Sarah's page

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Russians & Ukrainians are taking over!! =)

No, really this is awesome!...

Poor Illya is bored all the time since he can't work yet. He gets BAD cabin fever. So, after work, he and I will take off and go somewhere for atleast a few hours. We usually try to do things like see new parks, hiking trails, look out hills, etc. to get fresh air (and because they're free=). But, today, we went to this Russian store (it's more so Ukrainian, actually) so he can buy some food from back home, and rent some Russian movies.

Well, a few days before that, we saw a few other stores while driving around. So, today, we decided to go see what they have there at the other stores. As we were trying to find the stores again, we found several more! There must be atleast 5 stores (one with a movie rental place attached to it) in the Portland area, and a couple retaurants! We've also seen a Russian Christian bookstore and also a clothing store (we haven't made it into that one yet).

It's amazing! Every time we go to the library, we hear people speaking Russian all over the stores, on the streets, even at Crown Point a few weeks ago, there was a whole family of 8 from the Ukrainian there as well.

I LOVE seeing this. To see their culture here, even if it's just a small portion of it. I really think it's helping Illya being here away from Ukraine, too. Well, atleast the food is helping his Ukrainian stomach!!
:: posted by Plaksey, 2:02 AM


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