Sarah's page

Thursday, April 06, 2006

SO funny!!

So, Illya and I were taking a drive the other day near the Columbia Gorge and we ended up on these country back roads. We turned on one road, and there was a road sign of a cow, letting us know that cattle could be on the road at any time. Illya laughed at that. Then, he got confused at the next road sign, which showed a man riding a horse.

When he asked what that was for, I said, "To let us know that there could be men w/ horses on the shoulder of the road."

Illyas face twisted into confusion as he asked,"You mean men have to carry their horses on their shoulders when they're on this road?!"

I laughed my butt off!! I explained, again, that the side of the road is also called a shoulder. Once he realized that, he had a good laugh, too, as we both pictured cowboys stopping, hopping off their sadles and then throwing their mustangs on their right shoulder like a backpack.

Just how cute is my husband?!
:: posted by Plaksey, 4:12 AM


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